Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Legalize same sex marriage in all state!

Same sex marriage has been an on going issue in our U.S. government for the past decades. Twenty-four states have legalized same sex marriage by court decision, eight states by the state legislature and three states from popular votes with that being said a total of 35 states have came to an agreement to legalize gay marriage. If already half the states have legalized same sex marriage I feel as though the rest of the remaining states that haven’t legalized gay marriage should. This is America, America is known for freedom of speech, freedom of religion. A person as an individual should have the freedom to marry someone who is the same sex if they would like with out being judged.
            I understand why some individuals don’t necessarily agree to same sex marriage due to religious reasons. But people need to understand that just because your religious views are a certain way and don’t accept gay marriage doesn’t mean that someone else’s religious views should be the same exact way as yours. Gay people should have the same rights just as everyone else in this country; they are human beings and citizens of the United States so they need to be treated with equality. If two people of the sex same marriage truly are happy together then I don’t see why they can’t get married it’s not like they are hurting anyone. Everyone has a right to live their life they way that they would like to live it.

            The fact that half the states have already legalized gay marriage makes me happy because it shows that eventually gay marriage will be legalized in every state with time. No matter what decision an individual makes whether to be straight or gay I think it should be respected.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Comment on a colleagues work #1

I totally agree with Yasmin in her commentary. I don't think it's right that the Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare. Obamacare has helped the less weathly out tremendously, some went from having no health care to at least having something. From personal expiernce I use to not have any health care and I remember going to the doctors and having to spend a couple hundred dollars each time I got sick or even just for a regular check up. Not everyone makes the same amount of income, others are more wealthier and it isn't fair for the less fortunate people. The only thing I questioned about this commentary is that when you stated 9 Republicans have voted yes for the expansion of Obamacare, I would have just recomded you adding an embedded link to where exactly you saw that stated. As for your opinion on Obamacare I agree with you 100%. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Legalization Of Marijuana

Recently in society the conflict of making marijuana legal has been a continuing issue. Even though there are states such as Colorado and California that have legalized marijuana, 27 other states have not agreed to the legalization. However, since 23 other states have already rationalized to authenticate cannabis, the remaining states should compromise to legalize the conflicting substance as well, because legalized marijuana would lessen the issue of currency from the American economy to international criminal gangs.
         In addition to this, it is evident that marijuana’s illegality makes foreign cultivation and trafficking to the United States extremely beneficial, by sending an excessive amount of money overseas. Marijuana should also be legalized due to the fact that people need marijuana for medical reasons. Marijuana helps people cope with depression and calms the nerves down in the human body. People are going to be using marijuana regardless whether it is legalized or not so with that being said it is just best to legalize it in all states that way crime rates decrease. Hemp is also a beneficial plant that grows without herbicides, nourishing the soil and matures quickly. Allowing this environmental plant to be an excellent fuel producing crop.
         Medical marijuana can be seized in many different forms, it may be consumed by either smoking or can be taken in a pill form or an edible version. America Academy of Neurology have done research and found that medical marijuana in the form of a pills or oral sprays have shown to be more effective and decreases stiffness and muscle spasms. Medical marijuana is comely used to decrease the symptoms of nausea from chemotherapy and also eases the patients vomiting chances. Even though 23 states have legalized marijuana that does not necessarily mean you can get marijuana as you please. To be approved for marijuana you need to do an online application and then from there you will receive and ID that states that you are eligible to receive marijuana for medical reasons. With marijuana being helpful for medical reasons it is time to legalize it in all states.