Friday, December 12, 2014

Response to Colleges work

I agree with James Middlebrooks I believe that we should have the right to bare arms. Our founding fathers have given us the right to bare arms I don't think it's fair to the people that have fought hard for this country to have that right taken away for them. They're are some people out there that really just want the right to have guns for the right reasons such as protecting their families for example if you live in the wilderness or in the mountains I feel it is ok to have the right to own a gun because if you run into a wild animal that's the best way you can defend yourself. Some people also want the right to own guns because they want to go hunting. Guns shouldn't be taken away, but what I do believe is that not everyone should have the right to own a gun. The people that are in violation of the law and that have bad records shouldn't be able to own guns because they are more prone to use guns for the wrong reasons. I think that with the government being a little strict on who has the right to own guns that will make the murder rate decrease.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Legalize same sex marriage in all state!

Same sex marriage has been an on going issue in our U.S. government for the past decades. Twenty-four states have legalized same sex marriage by court decision, eight states by the state legislature and three states from popular votes with that being said a total of 35 states have came to an agreement to legalize gay marriage. If already half the states have legalized same sex marriage I feel as though the rest of the remaining states that haven’t legalized gay marriage should. This is America, America is known for freedom of speech, freedom of religion. A person as an individual should have the freedom to marry someone who is the same sex if they would like with out being judged.
            I understand why some individuals don’t necessarily agree to same sex marriage due to religious reasons. But people need to understand that just because your religious views are a certain way and don’t accept gay marriage doesn’t mean that someone else’s religious views should be the same exact way as yours. Gay people should have the same rights just as everyone else in this country; they are human beings and citizens of the United States so they need to be treated with equality. If two people of the sex same marriage truly are happy together then I don’t see why they can’t get married it’s not like they are hurting anyone. Everyone has a right to live their life they way that they would like to live it.

            The fact that half the states have already legalized gay marriage makes me happy because it shows that eventually gay marriage will be legalized in every state with time. No matter what decision an individual makes whether to be straight or gay I think it should be respected.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Comment on a colleagues work #1

I totally agree with Yasmin in her commentary. I don't think it's right that the Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare. Obamacare has helped the less weathly out tremendously, some went from having no health care to at least having something. From personal expiernce I use to not have any health care and I remember going to the doctors and having to spend a couple hundred dollars each time I got sick or even just for a regular check up. Not everyone makes the same amount of income, others are more wealthier and it isn't fair for the less fortunate people. The only thing I questioned about this commentary is that when you stated 9 Republicans have voted yes for the expansion of Obamacare, I would have just recomded you adding an embedded link to where exactly you saw that stated. As for your opinion on Obamacare I agree with you 100%. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Legalization Of Marijuana

Recently in society the conflict of making marijuana legal has been a continuing issue. Even though there are states such as Colorado and California that have legalized marijuana, 27 other states have not agreed to the legalization. However, since 23 other states have already rationalized to authenticate cannabis, the remaining states should compromise to legalize the conflicting substance as well, because legalized marijuana would lessen the issue of currency from the American economy to international criminal gangs.
         In addition to this, it is evident that marijuana’s illegality makes foreign cultivation and trafficking to the United States extremely beneficial, by sending an excessive amount of money overseas. Marijuana should also be legalized due to the fact that people need marijuana for medical reasons. Marijuana helps people cope with depression and calms the nerves down in the human body. People are going to be using marijuana regardless whether it is legalized or not so with that being said it is just best to legalize it in all states that way crime rates decrease. Hemp is also a beneficial plant that grows without herbicides, nourishing the soil and matures quickly. Allowing this environmental plant to be an excellent fuel producing crop.
         Medical marijuana can be seized in many different forms, it may be consumed by either smoking or can be taken in a pill form or an edible version. America Academy of Neurology have done research and found that medical marijuana in the form of a pills or oral sprays have shown to be more effective and decreases stiffness and muscle spasms. Medical marijuana is comely used to decrease the symptoms of nausea from chemotherapy and also eases the patients vomiting chances. Even though 23 states have legalized marijuana that does not necessarily mean you can get marijuana as you please. To be approved for marijuana you need to do an online application and then from there you will receive and ID that states that you are eligible to receive marijuana for medical reasons. With marijuana being helpful for medical reasons it is time to legalize it in all states. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Domestic Violence Cases In The NFL

Domestic violence has been an on going issue in the NFL recently. Cases of domestic violence in the NFL have made numerous headlines through out the nation. When the surveillance video released showing Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice "punching his then fiancĂ©e in a hotel elevator" as, stated in this commentary  has taken a toll on how the NFL responds to domestic violence committed by their players. Originally Ray Rice was given “a two-game suspension in August” the public viewed this punishment that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell handed Ray Rice to be way too lenient. Goodell’s “original punishment led him to institute a new league-wide domestic violence and sexual assault policy before the season began.” This new policy that is being installed is a form of “a lighter punishment” than the one Rice is currently receiving. Just after the Ray rice incident there as been two other NFL players who have been arrested on domestic violence charges this year, named Greg Hardy who plays for the Carolina Panthers defensive end and Ray McDonald who plays for the San Francisco 49ers and his position is defensive end tackle. Hardy was arrested on May 13th with two-charges of assault on a women and communicating threats. In both of these misdemeanors Hardy pleaded not guilty, but in July “a judge found Hardy guilty on both counts.” The judge gave Hardy a 60-day suspension sentence and 18 months of probation. “Hardy’s sentence is currently on hold while he appeals for a jury trial.” The Panthers have stated that after Hardy’s conviction they would “respect the legal process.” Hardy is still currently playing for the Carolina Panthers. McDonald was arrested on felony suspicion of domestic abuse on September 1st. McDonald was the 1st NFL player arrested on domestic violence charges after the NFL announced it’s new policy. The 49ers CEO Jed York states “I wont make any punishments until I see evidence.” It will be pretty interesting to see how the NFL will act towars these two cases. Goodell’s new domestic policy is a six-game punishment for the first offense, and an indefinite suspension for the second. But this clearly shows that Goodell will make this policy work however he wants due to the fact that this was Ray Rices first offence and he automaticallt got the indefinite suspension. I agree with Travis Waldron 100% on this commentary written by him. He states that “suspensions could depend largely on how bad the public perception of each individual case is.”

Friday, October 3, 2014

Secure the people’s house, but don’t obscure it

 Recently in this Washington Post newspaper article, it has been announced that the White House needs to advance their technology, and obtain new systems of rules governing affairs of the state. Also it has been stated that there should be a much higher fence around the White House and should most certainly lock the doors. Since it has been newly a controversial issue, the White House should reconsider some innovative changes to its complex. In the article, Eugene Robinson can't believe that "a man could climb over the White House, run across the North Lawn, and barge through the main entrance." Surprisingly, the intruder was able to speed in the direction of the ceremonial East Room before being caught. Fortunately, a few minutes before this chaotic situation, "President Obama and his family had departed the premises by helicopter. Furthermore, detectives distinguished the man as "a 42-year-old Omar Gonzales." Once the security guards stopped him,  he was tackled and pinned down. However, "five rings of security should have kept the man from reaching the front door," but unfortunately each of them failed. Because of this uncontrolled incident, it is shown that the "White House is vulnerable" Since the building is clearly defenseless, intruders are easily able to harm the President "or deface a building that symbolizes our democracy." Towards the end of the article, it is said that "the wrought-iron fence in front of the White House is only 7 feet 6 inches." Obviously this height is considered unsafe for the President and his family because of the unaware occurrence. Eugene Robinson strongly believes that there should be a newly "elegant, black, wrought-iron fence" created to protect the entrance of the White House. Also, the spokesperson anticipates that "the front door of the White House should be locked at all times" regardless of any inconveniences with the "people who live and work there." Even though this disruption was not correctly handled, the Secret Service should have immediately locked all doors right before the intruder jumped over the fence.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Domestic Violence

Throughout our generation, domestic violence has evidently been a common conflict regardless of someone's gender or ethnicity. Because of this on going issue, it has lead to many unsuccessful fortunes with NFL football player's present careers. Although, Roger Goodell acknowledged Ray Rice with a minor punishment beforehand, he now recognized Rice's disobedient deed and has penalized him with a more severe discipline. In the beginning of this specific article in CBSNews, Goodell states that he now realizes his dubious mistake and "will get it right" this time around. Although the NFL has been interacting with many mistakes, Goodell publicly announced his misconception about "the rash of NFL players involved in domestic violence when he held a news conference Friday." He most certainly knows that this mishandled deed is clearly improper to ever be considered into action. During his announcement, Goodell declares, "we strongly, strongly condemn and will punish behavior that is totally unacceptable." Therefore, the NFL commissioners are planning to make sure that this wrongdoing will personally lead to new enforcement on any football player's restrictions. "Goodell now oversees all personal conduct case," concerning to one's "guilt and penalties." Unfortunately, Goodell acknowledged that the NFL administration was not allowed to set excessive regulations as planned. Because of the commissioner’s lenience and “delayed punishment” of Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and other football players, the public has “heavily criticized them. Conclusively, the league has aided to reshape the polices and performance of the NFL in correlation with domestic violence and sexual harassment.