Friday, September 19, 2014

Domestic Violence

Throughout our generation, domestic violence has evidently been a common conflict regardless of someone's gender or ethnicity. Because of this on going issue, it has lead to many unsuccessful fortunes with NFL football player's present careers. Although, Roger Goodell acknowledged Ray Rice with a minor punishment beforehand, he now recognized Rice's disobedient deed and has penalized him with a more severe discipline. In the beginning of this specific article in CBSNews, Goodell states that he now realizes his dubious mistake and "will get it right" this time around. Although the NFL has been interacting with many mistakes, Goodell publicly announced his misconception about "the rash of NFL players involved in domestic violence when he held a news conference Friday." He most certainly knows that this mishandled deed is clearly improper to ever be considered into action. During his announcement, Goodell declares, "we strongly, strongly condemn and will punish behavior that is totally unacceptable." Therefore, the NFL commissioners are planning to make sure that this wrongdoing will personally lead to new enforcement on any football player's restrictions. "Goodell now oversees all personal conduct case," concerning to one's "guilt and penalties." Unfortunately, Goodell acknowledged that the NFL administration was not allowed to set excessive regulations as planned. Because of the commissioner’s lenience and “delayed punishment” of Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and other football players, the public has “heavily criticized them. Conclusively, the league has aided to reshape the polices and performance of the NFL in correlation with domestic violence and sexual harassment.

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